Hendrik Consciencestraat 40-42
Hendrik Consciencestraat 40-422800 MechelenMechelen City Centre
Property Type
OfficesUnit Type
To LetAvailable
1.012 m2As From
590 m2
Dennis Collin

Offices to let, As From 590 m2, In Mechelen
This office building is centrally located along the main E19 traffic artery between Brussels and Antwerp, 2 km (or 4 min.) From the Mechelen-South entrance / exit. The new offices while retaining the existing façade are located in Mechelen, in the Hendrik Conscience 40-42. Parking is provided in the inner courtyard, which is accessed through the Coloma Street. The site is located on a well-equipped road in the immediate vicinity of the railway station. The Consciencestraat is also the road between the station and the shopping district of Mechelen.
Floor | Unit Type | Floor area |
1 | Offices | 590 m2 |
0 | Parking Single Outside | 21 spots |
-1 | Archives | 24 m2 |
-1 | Offices | 422 m2 |
- Air conditioning
- Access control system
- Cold beams
- Double glazing
- Fire detection
- Kitchenette
- Lifts
- Raised floor
- Flooring - Carpet Tiles
- Videophone