Paul Delvaux 12
Paul Delvaux 12
Paul Delvaux 12
Paul Delvaux 12

Avenue Paul Delvaux 12
1340 Ottignies

  • Property Type

  • Unit Type

    To Let
  • Available

    3.085 m2
  • As From

    723 m2
Thomas Baets

Offices to let, As From 723 m2, In Ottignies

This building is located at 400 meters of the Railway Station of Ottignies with frequent bus and train connections. Every weekday, more than 400 trains pass through Ottignies station to take more than 22.000 assengers to Brussels, Leuven, Namur and Liège, which make this station the most frequented of Wallonia. The E411 highway Luxembourg – Bruxelles is at nearly 5 km distance.


FloorUnit TypeFloor area
3Offices785 m2
2Offices789 m2
1Offices723 m2
0Offices788 m2
0Parking Single Outside106 spots
Prices and rents on this website are indicative only, non-binding and subject to change.


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