
Rue de Trèves 41-47
1040 Brussels

  • Property Type

  • Unit Type

    To Let
  • Available

    5.295,43 m2
  • As From

    5.059 m2
Friedel Laperre

Offices to let, As From 5.059 m2, In Brussels

The prime business district, long dominated by office use and the presence of the European Institutions, is now transforming into a more diverse area, seeking a balance between residential and leisure uses opening up to new ways of working and public interaction and the improvement of the built environment.

Designing an ideal workspace was the objective of the team when creating Oasis.
A space conducive to concentration, exchange, creativity, rejuvenation, relaxation... a space where all potential is waiting to be expressed.


FloorUnit TypeFloor area
8Offices225 m2
8Terrace117,55 m2
7Terrace102,9 m2
7Offices499 m2
6Offices623 m2
6Terrace15,98 m2
5Offices639 m2
4Offices639 m2
3Offices639 m2
2Offices639 m2
1Offices619 m2
0Offices325 m2
0 GardenOffices212 m2
*Archives107 m2
*Parking Bicycle Parking30 spots
-1-2 Parking Single Inside29 spots


  • Air conditioning
  • Access control system
  • Garden
  • Terraces
  • Shower
  • Triple glazing
  • BREEAM Excellent
  • WELL Gold
Prices and rents on this website are indicative only, non-binding and subject to change.


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