Dellestraat 20
Dellestraat 20
Dellestraat 20
Dellestraat 20
Dellestraat 20

Dellestraat 20
3560 Lummen

  • Property Type

  • Unit Type

    To Let
  • Available

    29.799 m2
  • As From

    28.399 m2
Stefan De Pauw

Logistics to let, As From 28.399 m2, In Lummen

State of the art industrial building with warehouse, mezzanine and offices.

Excellent location close to the intersection of 2 highways; the E314 (Leuven - Aachen) and the E313 (Antwerp - Liège).


FloorUnit TypeFloor area
KantoorOffices3.173 m2
MezzanineMezzanine1.400 m2
MagazijnInside Storage28.399 m2
Prices and rents on this website are indicative only, non-binding and subject to change.


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