Croix Limont 11
Croix Limont 11
Croix Limont 11
Croix Limont 11
Croix Limont 11
Croix Limont 11
Croix Limont 11

Rue de la Croix Limont 11
5590 Ciney

  • Property Type

  • Unit Type

    For Sale / To Let
  • Available

    3.820,89 m2
  • As From

    753,59 m2
Lancelot van de Vyvere

Logistics for sale / to let, As From 753,59 m2, In Ciney

Land / buildings for sale or for rent in the Ciney area.


FloorUnit TypeFloor area
Locaux sociauxSocial Rooms133,02 m2
Surface auvent adjacentAnnexe238 m2
Surface raksAnnexe275,6 m2
TerrainLand10.625,88 m2
Locaux techniques et sociauxTechnical Area47,23 m2
Hall semi ouvert sur rakInside Storage753,59 m2
MagasinInside Storage877,83 m2
Grand hallInside Storage1.405,1 m2
Mezzanine grand hallMezzanine784,37 m2
Prices and rents on this website are indicative only, non-binding and subject to change.


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