Ghent Gateway Logistics
Ghent Gateway Logistics
Ghent Gateway Logistics

Eiland Zwijnaarde
9052 Zwijnaarde

  • Property Type

  • Unit Type

    To Let
  • Available

    42.271 m2
  • As From

    10.731 m2
Felix Van Butsele

Logistics to let, As From 10.731 m2, In Zwijnaarde

New Built-to-suit logistics project on a unique and innovative location. The site is well suited for distribution activities and logistics operations. Other tenants as McKesson, Mainfreight, GLS, Bpost, are located in this same area.

The plot is very well located at the intersection of the highways E40 (Ostend – Brussels) and E17 (Kortrijk - Antwerp), with a great visibility.


FloorUnit TypeFloor area
Unit 1
Unit 1Offices 
Unit 1Inside Storage10.731 m2
Unit 1Mezzanine2.227 m2
Unit 2
Unit 2Offices 
Unit 2Mezzanine2.275 m2
Unit 2Inside Storage13.337 m2
Unit 3
Unit 3Offices 
Unit 3Mezzanine2.256 m2
Unit 3Inside Storage11.445 m2
Prices and rents on this website are indicative only, non-binding and subject to change.


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