Huidevettersstraat 55 (right side)

Huidevettersstraat 55
2000 Antwerpen

  • Type de propriété

    Magasin en ville
  • Type d'unité

    A louer
  • Disponible

    311 m2
  • A partir de

Anthony Lefever

Magasin en ville à louer, A Antwerpen

This property is DIVISIBLE upon request, redeveloped with new frontage and high visibility.
LEFT UNIT: 470 m² on the ground floor + upper floors
RIGHT UNIT: 230 m² + courtyard

Commercial property located on the famous Huidevettersstraat, a high traffic AAA location in the city center of Antwerp. Near retailers such as Essentiel, Liu Jo, Natan, Hugo Boss, Ted Baker,...


ÉtageType d'unitéSurface au sol
0Retail219 m2
0 (courtyard) Retail56 m2
0Stockage36 m2
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