Dumortierlaan 6

Dumortierlaan 6
8300 Knokke

  • Type de propriété

    Magasin en ville
  • Type d'unité

    A louer
  • Disponible

    100 m2
  • A partir de

Anthony Lefever

Magasin en ville à louer, A Knokke

Knokke is the most prestigious resort along the Belgian coast, with stately avenues and luxury retailers.

The retail offer is centered upon the Lippenslaan and the Kustlaan and shops are allowed to be open 7 days a week.

This property is located on the Dumortierlaan close to the Kustlaan, one of Belgium’s most famous luxury shopping streets.


ÉtageType d'unitéSurface au sol
0Retail100 m2
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